The Rosebud Fellowship
The Rosebud Chamber Music Festival is produced by Rosebud Fellowship, a grassroots charitable organization.
Rosebud Fellowship was incorporated in 1976 and purchased the Rosebud assets from the church. It became the operating society for Rosebud Camp of the Arts, Rosebud School of the Arts and ventures which were nurtured from the creative spirit of those enjoying the fellowship of the “Bud”.
In 1987 Rosebud Fellowship applied to the Alberta Provincial Government to have the Rosebud School of the Arts Act passed. It was passed in the spring of 1988 at which time Rosebud Fellowship donated its land holdings and properties to the newly formed Rosebud School of the Arts.
Since then, Rosebud Fellowship has retained its status as a registered charity and exists to provide support for the arts in Rosebud.
Charitable donation receipts are issued by Rosebud Fellowship. Contact us for more information on how you can become involved as a supporter or volunteer.
Donate directly via PayPal
Donations for the ongoing operation and development of the Rosebud Chamber Music Festival
Donate to the Calgary Foundation:
To enable this legacy event to grow and last for years to come, the Calgary Foundation manages all designated donations with earnings going to the Rosebud Chamber Music Festival.
Follow these steps:
Go to the Calgary Foundation website In the upper right hand corner you will find the DONATE and LOG IN boxes.
Click on DONATE which will take you to the STRNGTHEN OUR COMMUNITY page.
Click on Donate to an existing fund.
Scroll until you land on Rosebud Fellowship Endowment Fund and follow the instructions.
If you are looking at a more complex gift such as stock or property, The Calgary Foundation can also work directly with you to make that transaction happen.
The Calgary Foundation CRA Charitable Number: 108074436RR0001
The Rosebud Fellowship CRA Charitable Number: 817369945RR0001